Vikas Khanna welcomed the actress and her friends for dinner. Later, the chef also gifted her the iconic Mysore Sandalwood Soap. He also gifted her a handcrafted marble box from Agra and the book ...
Mysore Sandal Soap, a brand that has been a symbol of luxury, tradition, and quality for decades. Known for its signature fragrance and use of pure sandalwood oil, Mysore Sandal Soap has become a ...
This move aims to make its flagship product, Mysore Sandal Soap ... its red-and-green box and the tagline, “The only soap with 100% pure sandalwood oil,” will see a fresh redesign.
Hollywood star Anne Hathaway was gifted a Mysore Sandalwood soap by chef Vikas Khanna during her visit to his Michelin-awarded restaurant in New York. This gift caused a stir online, spotlighting the ...
Moreover, the oval-shaped Mysore Sandal Soap, which has kept the same logo, packaging - red and green-coloured cardboard boxes and tagline “The only soap with 100% pure sandalwood oil”, for ...
Chef Vikas Khanna recently made headlines by gifting the iconic Mysore Sandalwood Soap to Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway at his New York restaurant, Bungalow. The thoughtful exchange went beyond a ...
In a poignant celebration of Indian heritage and personal memories, renowned chef Vikas Khanna presented Hollywood star Anne Hathaway with the iconic Mysore Sandalwood Soap at his famed New York ...