But his final iteration was to make a standalone reader with an Arduino and use ... against RFID but didn’t really say why. NFC business cards are a thing. You can also use them to catch some ...
NFC tags are small, unpowered devices that store and transmit data to compatible readers through electromagnetic fields.
Often the term will bring to mind the ability to pay by holding your phone over a reader, but the system can also use NFC tags embedded in credit cards, ID card, passports, and the like.
The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation compelled Apple to grant developers greater access to the iPhone’s NFC reader ... cards – all without leaving the app ...
It has selected CN670 NFC desktop reader from CIVINTEC for turnstile access control and e-ticket system at entrance. It features the latest technology RFID contactless cards and ISO18092 NFC mobile ...