The classic Air Jordan 1 Low Chicago is returning for the first time. Check our Sneakers news for more upcoming releases!
Nike 同 Doernbecher 儿童慈善医院的合作已经 20 年了,今天迎来了「Doernbecher Freestyle 20」系列的发布。在 20 周年之际,本次的该系列包含了 6 个鞋型,分别是 Air Jordan 6、Nike ...
The news of Nike launching Jordans is in the headlines. Fans suspect the brand will launch the Air Jordan 4 White Cement in ...
另外一大重点是 Nike 将解少包括 Air Force 1、Air Jordan 1、Dunk 等经典鞋款的发布频率,以确保这些流行鞋款的稀缺性,进而强化 Nike 的品牌形象,「这在短期内会产生负面影响,但我们正在从长期角度看待这一情况」。
随着球鞋趋势的低迷,Nike 面临着巨大的冲击,曾经一些炙手可热的鞋款如今也迎来了无人问津的局面,或许是出于这样的缘故,明年 Nike 决定复刻、并推出一些曾经最受欢迎的联名企划。其中便包括与 UNDEFEATED 合作的 AJ4、与 Off ...
Michael Jordan’s Nike Air Jordan 1 is a legendary sneaker that has been around for over 35 years. Initially released in 1985, ...
Originally released in 1996, the Nike Air Jordan 12 sneakers are an iconic pair. These were the shoes Michael Jordan wore ...
Two others said, “These are the most comfortable pair of Jordans ever and the color is cool too," and, “The lightest most ...
最近,Sneaker爱好者们的热情又被点燃了。随着“蛇年”Air Jordan 1的官图泄露,这款备受期待的球鞋终于浮出水面,成为了众多球迷关注的焦点。尤其是除了鞋款本身,鞋盒的设计竟然成了最大的亮点,这真是让人意想不到。在春节将至之际,Air Jordan 1的发布又将为鞋友们的节日增添不少色彩。
之前海外曾传出消息称Air Jordan 4 "White Cement"将会进行复刻发售,作为AJ4系列中的经典配色之一白水泥的人气,这几年Nike也是推出了众多平替设计,每一双都有着高人气。
Nike has a slew of Valentine’s Day-themed sneakers ready to be released in 2025, but not all of the designs are as ...