One transport expert tells the BBC it might be better to run the new CalMac ferry on diesel.
While the old ship – which had a storied past in Hollywood – was leaking diesel fuel and oil, officials stated they hadn't seen any impacts to local wildlife. It's unclear how long the ship ...
The old ferry ... of the ship which stores the LNG at minus 162C There is also no local supply of LNG in Scotland, so the gas has to be brought up from a terminal in Kent using diesel road ...
The carbon footprint of a long-delayed new "green" ferry will be far larger than the 31-year-old diesel ship that usually serves the route between the Scottish mainland and the island of Arran.
Glen Sannox brings greater car capacity to the Arran route but a bigger carbon footprint [PA Media] The carbon footprint of a long-delayed new "green" ferry will be far larger than the 31-year-old ...
The carbon footprint of a "green" ferry soon to be deployed on CalMac's Arran service will be far larger than the 31-year old diesel ship that usually serves the route. An emissions analysis by ...