A video of an unexpected "magical" encounter with orcas in Canada has captivated viewers on TikTok. The surreal sighting was captured in a video shared by Jack Tadey (@jacktadey) and has amassed ...
The original pod observed playing with salmon in the late 1980s was located off the coast of British Columbia and Washington state, an area home to the southern resident killer whales. These orcas ...
Female orcas are among a handful of species, including humans, that experience menopause. While they stop reproducing in their late 30s, they can live well into their 80s, often playing a critical ...
A new state law is now in effect that provides a 1,000 yard vessel buffer around endangered southern resident orcas in ...
SEATTLE — The mother orca known as J35, or Tahlequah, has been seen carrying her deceased calf for at least 11 days, drawing attention to the critically endangered southern resident killer whales.