The populations of the birds of prey have rebounded over the past 40 years after they dwindled largely due to DDT insecticide ...
EAST PROVIDENCE – The ospreys whose nest balanced atop a Seekonk River crane, providing a home for baby ... sNon-game Bird Biologist, who has determined that the egg within the osprey nest ...
A farm has installed three osprey nests, on telegraph poles 56ft (17m) high, in a bid to attract the rare birds to breed ... Elsa Kent said "if we have baby ospreys in these nests, my life's ...
Though much is known about the relationship between osprey and menhaden, more research is needed, the Center for Conservation ...
Maya is already the Rutland Osprey Project's most successful breeding bird, having had 37 juveniles fledge from her nests. The project, which has been running since 1996, has helped to repopulate ...