Here’s a fun video by [Ashish Derhgawen], discussing the photoelectric effect of neon lamps with some simple demonstrations. Orange light makes it light! [Ashish] demonstrates the well-known ...
THE extensive work of Gudden, Pohl and A others has to a certain extent clarified the behaviour of insulating crystals which become electrical conductors under the influence of light. In these ...
THE sugar industry is becoming increasingly interested in the possibility of replacing polarimeters of the visual type with photoelectric instruments. Of the various designs which have been ...
(Courtesy: TU Wien) The effect of quantum entanglement on the emission time of photoelectrons has been calculated by physicists in China and Austria. Their result includes several counter-intuitive ...
PES is based on the photoelectric effect, where a material absorbs photons and emits electrons (called photoelectrons) with specific kinetic energies. By analyzing the energy distribution of these ...