Photography is not exactly a new art form, but it’s one that continuously reinvents itself every few years. One of the most popular trends out there is light painting photography. In light ...
In the early 1940s Kodak created the Shirley card, a colour palette aimed at guiding lab technicians. Modelled after a white woman named Shirley, it fails to adequately depict darker skin tones.
In analogue photography ISO refers to how sensitive the film in the camera is to light. The same scale is now used in digital photography to describe the light sensitivity of the chip. A higher ...
In analogue photography ISO refers to how sensitive the film in the camera is to light. The same scale is now used in digital photography to describe the light sensitivity of the chip. A higher ...
Now, one of his pictures - which he has called Where Rainbows Sleep - has been shortlisted for this year’s British Photography Awards in its newest category - best low light photograph.