Gardening expert Fiona Jenkins has shared the five flower bulbs you can plant in January and February to give your garden a ...
If you want to fill your garden with colour next spring, plant bulbs from October to December, before the first frost. Daffodils, tulips, crocus, grape hyacinths and fritillarias are just some of ...
Given that there are fewer gardening jobs to complete in January, gardeners can plan for the year ahead right now, and ...
Hedges Direct gardening pros have shared three flower bulbs to plant in January in order to get your garden looking its best ...
Daffodils are classic spring flowers, but the work starts now if you want bright and healthy blooms next year. Knowing when to plant daffodil bulbs could be the key to your best spring displays yet.
The ideal soil temperature is 13°C as in colder soil bulbs will not start to grow and may rot. Aim to plant dry bulbs directly after purchase. Bulbs you have stored over winter should be planted ...
A team of volunteers had a blooming marvellous day planting thousands of daffodil bulbs at the future Cambridge Children’s ...