Feast your eyes on the iris. Sure, being blessed with a choice eye color is cool. But new research reveals that the eye’s ...
Pupillometry measures the size and reactivity of the pupil, the dark circle at the eye’s centre through which light enters. Typically, the pupil contracts and dilates depending on the amount of ...
If evolution occurs through gradations, the critics say, how could it have created the separate parts of the eye -- the lens, the retina, the pupil, and so forth -- since none of these structures ...
Whatever light is not absorbed on this return trip passes out of the eye the same way it came in—through the pupil. The presence of the tapetum can be observed at night when a pair of glowing ...
New York, Jan 2 (IANS) The pupil of the eye is key to understanding how, and when, the brain forms strong, long-lasting memories, according to a mice study. Our eyes are more than just windows to ...
Upon analysing the data, it was found that two substages happened during the NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. The pupils contracted in one phase, suggesting new memories were being replayed ...
Working memory is one of the brain's executive functions, a skill that allows humans to process information without losing ...