Ranbir Kapoor and his daughter Raha Kapoor have melted hearts yet again, as the father-daughter duo was spotted in Mumbai, leaving fans gushing over their adorable bond. In a video shared by the ...
Alia Bhatt, accompanied by her daughter Raha and husband Ranbir Kapoor, was seen visiting her father Mahesh Bhatt’s residence for Christmas festivities. The heartwarming family gathering quickly ...
Ranbir Kapoor and his daughter Raha Kapoor have melted hearts yet again, as the father-daughter duo was spotted in Mumbai, leaving fans gushing over their adorable bond. In a video shared by the ...
Bollywood actress Soni Razdan delights in babysitting her granddaughter, Raha, whom she affectionately calls 'Nanna'. The two share a strong bond, with Soni caring for Raha frequently. Celebrating ...
Raha was also seen smiling and posing for the media. Raha said, 'Hi Fans' Raha looked very cute in a baby pink and white coloured frock. Alia Bhatt was seen in a red-coloured one-piece.