Superficial venous reflux is a disease process that affects the hundreds of little one-way valves that are normally seen in the leg veins. The presence in leg veins of one-way valves is the thing ...
Superficial venous reflux is a disease process that affects the hundreds of little one-way valves that are normally seen in the leg veins. The presence in leg veins of one-way valves is the thing ...
Symptoms are reduced with leg elevation and activity ... identifying structural issues by characterizing venous reflux and obstruction, vein size, anatomy, reflux times, and flow patterns.
Details of the pattern of reflux and the site from which venous tissue samples were obtained for analysis are often poorly described, making comparisons between studies difficult. Delineating the ...
As described above, the underlying pathologic process behind the formation of varicose veins lies within both deep and superficial reflux. Conventional teaching suggests that the underlying ...