To have been alive over the last five decades is to have seen superconductors progress ... kid on the block with an astounding claim of room-temperature and pressure superconductivity, something ...
Most people call that a room-temperature superconductor, but the reality is you really want an “ordinary temperature and pressure superconductor,” but that’s a mouthful. In the Hackaday ...
When a team of scientists in South Korea published a paper last month claiming to have created the first room-temperature superconductor, the announcement caused more than a few heads to turn.
New light-based studies of Bi2212 superconductors reveal key insights into high-temperature superconductivity, advancing the quest for room-temperature applications. Copper-oxide (CuO2) ...
Dr. Asahi shares that, “Achieving room-temperature superconductivity has long been a dream, requiring an understanding of superconducting mechanisms in high-temperature superconductors.
Prof. Dr. Asahi states, "Achieving room-temperature superconductivity has long been a dream, requiring an understanding of superconducting mechanisms in high-temperature superconductors.
It could be a small but significant step in the search for one of the "holy grails" of physics, a superconductor that operates at room temperature. The discovery, made inside the unlikely material ...
Reuters Room temperature superconductors could revolutionise the electrical grid The team behind this latest discovery says it's a major advance in a search that has already gone on for a century.