A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the fate of the Syrian dictator after he fled to Moscow following his downfall.
Ukraine is aiming to build up its security and trade relations in the Middle East and says Syria could be a "reliable partner." ...
In the weeks since Bashar al-Assad was ousted as Syrian leader, Russia has launched multiple flights to an airbase in the ...
Assad, removed from power by rebels, has been under the protection of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow since ...
Syria's new government likely needs arms to solidify its hold on power. That's an opening for its Turkish backers.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said he was preparing to re-establish diplomatic ties with Syria, less than a month ...
Ukraine is pledging support for the new authorities in Syria, which was once a key Russian ally in the Mideast.
The transfer marks the end of an era when Russia played an arguably oversized role in determining which countries could ...
As Russia clings to its only bases in the Mediterranean — they’re on the coast of Syria — Ukraine is moving aggressively to ...
Al Jazeera has released a new video that it says shows Russian combat jets still at Khmeimim Air Base in Syria despite ...
The rebels’ path to victory is littered with evidence of Syria’s defeated military. It also reflects the sizable task of ...
Russia sent a ship to evacuate soldiers and equipment from its bases in Syria, but it broke down en route, Ukrainian ...