This popular tale of the martial arts world, set in 14th century China, centers around two legendary wuxia weapons - the Dragon Slaying Sabre and the Heavenly Sword - whose wielder, legend claims ...
This popular tale of the martial arts world, set in 14th century China, centers around two legendary wuxia weapons - the Dragon Slaying Sabre and the Heavenly Sword - whose wielder, legend claims ...
The Suit of Swords is the realm of thought, battle, and communication; it is the union of duality of mind and truth. In the sphere of Air, Swords more focus on the battles inside our heads or ...
but now it is being restored to us," the head of Dakar's Museum of Black Civilisations Hamady Bocoum told AFP news agency about the sabre. The curved iron, brass and wood sword has been kept in ...