The probe sent a signal to Earth indicating that it had survived the closest solar encounter ever attempted by a spacecraft.
Solar Cycle 25’s peak to bring more solar flares and geomagnetic storms Widespread auroras expected due to continued solar ...
In an "idea paper" published on December 18 in Nature, UC Santa Cruz Professor Francis Nimmo and his co-authors propose a ...
Observations made of Jupiter’s moon Io during the Juno mission’s flybys helped astronomers confirm how and why Io became the ...
JWST uncovered Chiron’s rare ices and gases, providing new insights into its unique activity and its link to the solar system ...
Most of this activity lacks sufficient punch to harm us… but every now and then, the Sun erupts with a flare powerful enough ...
Scientists using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have studied Chiron, a centaur orbiting between Jupiter and Neptune, ...
After its formation, the moon may have been the scene of such immense volcanic activity that its entire crust melted several ...
The Moon, our ancient companion, might be older than we think. While lunar rocks suggest an age of 4.35 billion years, new ...
For two decades now, the iconic twin Voyager spacecraft have been quietly overturning everything we thought we knew about the ...
Narrator: Serious scientists, like myself, believe our solar system was formed by the collapse of a giant cloud of gas and rock and is held together by the gravitational pull of the Sun.