Farts that smell like rotten eggs are likely due to a common mineral found in foods. Learn how to find relief.
But one per cent contains sulphur and it's that sulphur containing gas that makes farts smell so bad.' While farting, known medically as flatulence, is a normal biological function, excessive or ...
“Foods high in sulphur, like broccoli, cabbage, and eggs, can contribute to this type of flatulence.” Sas Parsad, supplement expert and founder of The Gut Co, adds: “Some individuals may be ...
Any noticeably smelly farts are typically the result of a particular food you've consumed, as bacteria in the large intestine can release sulfur during the digestive process. While experiencing ...
Contrary to popular belief, eggs don't make most of us fart. But they do contain sulphur-packed methionine. So if you don't want smelly farts, don't eat eggs alongside fart-causing foods such as ...