This amplifies the higher frequencies in your voice. The gas sulfur hexafluoride works in the opposite way. The following is a transcript of the video. It’s a classic party trick- suck down a ...
What is known about the consequences of offshore wind can be summed up in four words straight from the lead federal agency for these projects: "incomplete and unavailable information." The frightening ...
The state Department of Environmental Conservation this week issued rules to dramatically limit and phase out use of hydrofluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride used for refrigeration and large ...
If we want to achieve our net-zero targets, we need to make power grids future ready with innovative, eco-friendly technology ...
Searching online will allow you to find clips of model boats made from aluminium foil floating in a tank full of sulfur hexafluoride. This clip will be relevant for teaching KS3 and GCSE Physics.