"Tangled" is a captivating Disney movie collection filled with charming characters, beautiful animation, and memorable songs. It follows the adventurous journey of Rapunzel, a spirited princess ...
And at last, Tangled has seen the greenlight…for a live-action remake. Disney is kickstarting development for a reimagining ...
"Mean Girls" star Avantika Vandanapu has received backlash on social media for her rumored casting in a live-action ...
"Tangled" is a captivating Disney movie collection filled with charming characters, beautiful animation, and memorable songs. It follows the adventurous journey of Rapunzel, a spirited princess ...
Productions is producing alongside Lucy Kitada (The Baby-Sitters Club). Tangled was a hit when it released in 2010, delivering over $200 million stateside and $591 million worldwide. Tangled ...
"Tangled" is getting the live-action treatment. Disney is working on an adaptation of the 2010 animated film centered on Rapunzel, "Good Morning America" can confirm. This time around, "The ...
Disney is planning a new version of the 2010 animated film that centers on ... Based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about Rapunzel, the original Tangled focuses on the long-haired character ...
Michael Gracey, who directed The Greatest Showman and Better Man, will be in charge of bringing Tangled to life in a new movie.
A live-action version of "Tangled" is being developed at Disney from "Greatest Showman" director Michael Gracey.
It doesn't look like Disney is moving away from its live-action remakes any time soon, with Tangled being the latest ... follow the same beats as Disney's 2010 animated feature, an adaptation ...