Ariely, Dan, and Michael I. Norton. "From Thinking Too Little to Thinking Too Much: A Continuum of Decision Making." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 2, no. 1 (January–February 2011) ...
Over the years, I’ve observed that there are two main modes of thinking in the business world: artful thinking and magical thinking. The two are opposites. I believe that artful thinking is key ...
Systems Thinking is a way of looking at the way things are made in the world and understanding how processes influence one another in a larger system. Linear thinking is a narrow way of looking at the ...
To grasp objective vs. subjective thinking, it's crucial to understand what makes each type of reasoning unique. Subjective information is based on personal opinions or feelings regarding a ...
Marcel Proust, The Past Recaptured Suddenly finding the solution to a problem we have been thinking about for a while is a particularly pleasant experience. It could be solving an anagram ...