The current artificial intelligence boom would not be possible without the fastest computers in the world — supercomputers.
El Capitan has been declared the world's most powerful supercomputer in recent rankings by the TOP500 organization and is ...
Top500, which benchmarks and catalogs the world’s fastest supercomputers, previously ranked Frontier and Aurora as the two top machines. In this latest round, the AMD-powered Frontier was ...
Top500 said Fugaku is the first supercomputer in the No. 1 slot to be powered by Arm-based CPUs — a major milestone for British chip designer Arm, which is looking to make a bigger splash in the ...
This ends Frontier’s 2.5-year reign at the top of the Top500 list. With an astounding 1.74 exaFLOPS of double-precision performance, El Capitan surpasses its predecessor by nearly 30%.
公开资料显示,创始人胡岳毕业于香港科技大学电子工程专业,拥有全球Top500大厂研发、产品、市场商业化全流程经验。在成立长曜创新之前 ...