Marina Beach in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, was covered in debris after 2004 tsunami. Survivors watched in shock as the March 11, 2011, Japan earthquake and tsunami, with an 8.9 magnitude, caused ...
In photos A woman mourning a relative killed in the tsunami in Cuddalore, India, on Dec. 28, 2004.Credit...Arko Datta/Reuters Supported by Text by Hannah Beech The wave surged and rushed.
Nicola and Jason had been backpacking around the world for more than two years "The wave came in and just took ... a 9.1 magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami that raced towards shorelines ...
and a tsunami struck from Indonesia to India two decades ago. Life changed for Yusuf Ansari, now a 32-year-old motor rickshaw driver. “Out of nowhere, we saw a boat tossed by the waves ...