Hagrid, a three-legged cancer-surviving rescue dog from Tulsa, leads in the 'America's Favorite Pet' contest. Winning would earn Animal Aid of Tulsa $10,000 for their rescue efforts.
Tumors can appear anywhere on a dog’s body, including internally or on the skin. They can look like a small bump or they can appear as a giant mass, bulging out of your dog’s body. Tsang notes ...
No matter what the cause of the spinal disease, making changes around the house can help a lot. Ramps help dogs get up the ...
Snow White the shelter dog is currently recovering with two weeks of relaxation while she awaits the results of her tumor ...
Snow White the shelter dog is currently recovering with two ... She was underweight, covered in fleas, and was dragging a large tumor between her legs, which made it difficult for her to walk.
Snow White is finally resting in comfort after spending an unknown amount of time living with an obtrusive 6-lb. tumor. According to Tri-County Animal Rescue, a no-kill nonprofit in Boca Raton ...