Shannon Tindle walks us through a spectacular scene from his animated feature that's based on the classic Japanese character ...
“Ultraman: Rising” is a Japanese-American co-production written by Shannon Tindle and Marc Haimes that hopes to make the superhero relatable while honouring the franchise’s legacy. Born out ...
ComingSoon Editor-in-Chief Tyler Treese spoke to Ultraman: Rising director Shannon Tindle about the upcoming Netflix movie.
For millions of Japanese viewers as well as countless fans across the globe, the Ultraman franchise, pitting a giant superhero against giant kaiju creatures of all shapes and breeds, has been a ...
Set to open on July 14, the “Ultraman the Ride” attraction is themed on the live-action superhero TV series that first ran in Japan in the latter half of the 1960s. Visitors act as rookie ...
The 60-year-old series is huge in Japan, so here's everything you need to know before jumping in. Ultraman: Rising is just around the corner, with the film set to be released this week.
Cartoon Brew and Netflix recently hosted a special FYC screening of Ultraman: Rising at Netflix Animation in Burbank, California, followed by a conversation with co-writer/director Shannon Tindle, ...