PANews 10月26日消息,OKX行情显示,SOL突破170 USDT,现报170.03 USDT,24小时跌幅收窄至1.55%。
受 Tether 被美国政府调查及已被美国财政部考虑制裁流言影响,USDT / USDC 汇率夜间最低触及 0.9971,现反弹至 0.9986。
Tether首席执行官Paolo Ardoino对关于公司正在接受调查的传闻作出了回应,表示他们经常与执法官员合作,以防止USDt的滥用。他确认《华尔街日报》中的指控是虚假的。该文章声称美国政府正在调查Tether,可能存在违反制裁和反洗钱法规的情况 ...
Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino is confident that USDT will maintain its dominance amid increasing competition from other ...
Of all the legal actions taken against cryptocurrency companies by US regulators and prosecutors over the past year, arguably ...
U.S. federal investigators are probing Tether for potential sanctions violations and anti-money-laundering breaches.
Cryptocurrencies dipped across the board following a report that the US was investigating the issuer of the Tether stablecoin ...
This change will likely impact Tether’s USDT, as it faces challenges in meeting the new regulatory requirements. The implementation of MiCA introduces a unified regulatory framework for digital assets ...
近年来,稳定币USDT(Tether)一直是加密货币市场的中流砥柱。然而,随着加密货币行业的不断发展,Tether的角色和影响力也在不断扩大。近期,Tether决定采取一种新的战略方向,开始探索向大宗商品交易公司提供贷款的机会,这一举措不仅使Teth ...
Discover how USDT revolutionizes sports betting in the USA with faster transactions, privacy, and security. Learn the ...
新北市1名61岁林姓女子,10月8日至三重区重新路二段的银行。临柜欲提领新台币29万5000元,行员察觉异状后,通报辖区员警到场。林女原称该笔钱为装潢用途,随后又改口为投资,但始终无法解释清楚,并一再坚称未遭诈骗。经眼尖员警发现其手机对话内容提及「投 ...