A small team of brain researchers at South China Normal University, working with a colleague from the University of New South ...
The brains of people with aphantasia may have unusual wiring, according to new research. The study suggests that in people ...
Unexpected flashes of light in your eye can be alarming, and in many cases, it’s something that should be discussed with your ...
People with aphantasia still have a blueprint for mental imagery, even if they can't consciously 'see' it.Research has revealed that the part of the ...
However, although activity may occur in the visual cortex of blind people's brains as they dream, that does not necessarily mean they see images as they sleep, Ptito said. "In the congenitally ...
"We developed high-spatial-resolution ultrahigh-field 7T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods for functional mapping of the foveolar visual cortex in awake monkeys." To study how ...
The striate cortex is the part of the visual cortex that is involved in processing visual information. The striate cortex is the first cortical visual area that receives input from the lateral ...
They investigated the sequential flow of information starting from the primary visual cortex, through key brain regions, culminating in the motor cortex to stop actions. Explaining further ...