Jenna is a young waitress and expert in making pies who lives in a small, desolate town. Her daily life is marked by the same hours, the same customers, among the cooking pots and frying pans ...
"Waitress, the Musical - Live on Broadway" is a heartwarming story that follows the life of Jenna Hunterson (Sara Bareilles), a pie-maker and waitress stuck in an unfulfilling marriage in a small ...
One of the creators of Broadway musical Waitress had ... that is bigger than any one show or any one performance." Speaking at a launch event for Waitress in central London, Bareilles said it ...
Actress Ruby Day joined host Rachael Maurer to chat about the San Francisco Playhouse serving up a holiday treat with the hit Broadway musical 'Waitress'. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown ...
Bareilles will step into the musical's title role ... and lyrics for the Broadway musical Waitress in 2013, she had no idea it would change her life. The show - which tells the story of a pregnant ...