The Telangana Assembly witnessed high drama on Tuesday morning as Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLAs staged a protest, donning black shirts and handcuffs ... Council, wearing black dresses as ...
NEW DELHI: Telangana assembly witnessed dramatic scenes after Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLAs staged a protest wearing black clothes and handcuffs to demand justice for the farmers of Lagcherla.
Additionally, BRS Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) protested in the Telangana Assembly dressed in black and wearing handcuffs as a mark of protest demanding justice for the arrested ...
The body of a man who fled police in January has been found in a river still wearing handcuffs. The 22-year-old, named locally as Reece Hillier, ran off after being detained by officers in ...
A white teacher in Rochester, New York, is being investigated over allegations that he made Black students pick cotton and wear handcuffs during lessons about slavery. Two children in separate ...
A man has escaped from custody while being escorted into a police station wearing handcuffs. Aurimas Butkys, 25, ran off earlier, shortly after he entered Boston Police Station in Lincolnshire.
(MENAFN- IANS) Hyderabad, Dec 17 (IANS) Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) legislators on Tuesday came to the Telangana Assembly, wearing black shirts and handcuffs to show solidarity with the farmers ...