International research team unveils the first electrically pumped continuous-wave semiconductor laser designed for seamless ...
SPIE Photonics West brings the global optics and photonics community together in San Francisco to share the latest research ...
Mario Paniccia, Intel fellow and director of Intel's Photonics Technology Lab, talks to Nature Photonics about the company's progress in commercializing high-speed silicon photonics. We have been ...
Swave Photonics是一家全息扩展现实技术研发商,是比利时研究机构Imec和荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学 (VUB) 的衍生公司,目前正在开发一种革命性的全息扩展现实 (HXR) 技术,该技术将向虚拟世界提供肉眼可见的逼真的高分辨率3D图像。Swave Photonics近日宣布,获得由imec.xpand和SFPIM Relaunch领投,EIC Fund、 IAG Capital Part.