Beverly Hills Cop is a beloved franchise, and new movie "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F," banks on every nostalgic reference we love about the original two ‘80s films (despite the threequel misfire). One ...
Pericles, affectionately known as Perry, was a Jerusalem miniature donkey from New York City who achieved fame after helping ...
Perry, the donkey who served as a live-action model for the character Eddie Murphy voices in the 'Shrek' franchise, has died ...
A REAL-life donkey that inspired Eddie Murphy’s character in Shrek has died aged 30. Born in New York in 1994, Perry rose to ...
Perry, a miniature donkey who lived in Palo Alto, California, was euthanized Thursday after suffering from a painful and ...
Fans of the Shrek series were overjoyed when it was announced the franchise would be returning for a fifth instalment, although they've now been left disappointed by a fresh delay ...
Perry, the all-star Jerusalem donkey who served as the visual inspiration for Eddie Murphy's motor-mouthed and dragon-loving ...
The donkey that inspired Eddie Murphy's iconic character in Shrek has died at the age of 30. Perry, a miniature donkey, had been a star attraction at Bol Park in Palo Alto - in northwestern ...
The donkey that inspired Eddie Murphy’s iconic character in the Shrek films has died aged 30. Perry the miniature donkey ...
Perry died after a battle with a painful hoof disease. The character Donkey in the successful franchise is understood to have ...
Perry became a key part of animation history after being sketched and photographed to help animators design Donkey for Shrek.