然而,尽管HPE技术在理论上具备巨大的潜力,但其引发的伦理、社会和健康不平等问题也引发了广泛的讨论。例如,基因编辑可能会导致社会阶层之间的差距进一步加大,富裕阶层可能利用这一技术使下一代拥有更低的疾病风险,从而使贫困阶层在基因上处于不利地位。更为复杂 ...
Most mutations which cause disease by swapping one amino acid out for another do so by making the protein less stable, ...
The researchers discovered that protein instability is one of the main drivers of heritable cataract formation, and also contributes to different types of neurological, developmental and muscle ...
Epigenetics is the study of various heritable alterations that control gene expression without changing the DNA sequence. 1 The name epigenetics comes from the Greek prefix “epi”, which means on top ...
With the support of the Pamela and David Ott Fund and the John M. O'Quinn Foundation, The Pamela and David Ott Center of Excellence in Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue and Ehlers-Danlos ...
Some previous studies have proposed that ADHD is highly heritable (70%-80% heritability), but these conclusions were ...
How do you know that finches' beak depth is heritable? You can see from Figure 2 that there is a correlation between the parents' and offsprings' beak size. How did the finch population change ...