近些年来收获“高尿酸”的人越来越多、越来越年轻除了日常熟知的高嘌呤食物还有一种食物成分容易被忽略它就是果糖果糖隐藏的“尿酸杀手”对于尿酸而言,果糖无疑是一种“甜蜜的负担”。2020年《营养代谢与心血管疾病》上发表的一项涉及2.5万余人的研究,就探究了 ...
有没有发现,近几年身边尿酸超标的人越来越多?为什么现在很多人都尿酸高?多数人都知道尿酸高了,一定要少吃嘌呤高的食物。但是有一类食物成分被不少人忽略了,那就是——果糖。有些痛风患者没有饮酒、吃海鲜的习惯,但是一个看似不起眼的喜好,却是他们患上痛风的原因 ...
痛风发作时的疼痛,足以让一个雄鹰般的成年人流下悔恨的泪水。但原本以为年纪大了才容易得痛风,没想到一直控制饮食爱健身的年轻人,就因为爬了一次山也会中招..... 上滑查看。图源:某社交媒体 没错!和高血压、脑梗等疾病一样,曾经我们认为是 ...
Now, an Austrian study has found that hyperuricemia is an independent predictor of kidney disease. The study population comprised 21,475 healthy volunteers from the Vienna Health Screening Project ...
When you think of arthritis, achy, warm, swollen joints probably come to mind. These are indeed some of the most common ...
10月17日,2024年《财富》中国500强峰会在上海拉开帷幕。《财富》中国500强峰会作为中国商业领域的重要盛会,以《财富》中国500强排行榜(衡量中国企业实力的重要标尺)为基石,致力于推动中国商业的国际化进程,提升中国在全球商业版图中的地位与影响 ...
People suffer from a number of health conditions nowadays, solely because of their lifestyle, which could even become a lifelong problem. One of those conditions is called hyperuricemia, where the ...
Uric acid dissolves in the blood and is eliminated through the kidneys in urine. However, when the body produces too much ...
According to experts, this foul smell is not just an irritant, but can also be a dangerous sign of a deadly health condition ...
Did you know that certain dry fruits can help keep uric acid in check? High uric acid levels can lead to hyperuricemia, causing painful crystals & conditions like kidney stones & gout. Dry fruits are ...
URECE® Tablets” (dotinurad) in Thailand as a treatment for gout and hyperuricemia. This approval is the first time that the agent has been approved in China or the five ASEAN (Association of Southeast ...