TMTPOST -- U.S.-listed Chinese shares rallied Friday on investors’ expectation of hundreds of billions of dollars’ fiscal ...
由于种种原因,NEXT即将关站,感谢大家5年来对NEXT的关注与热爱。 在没有NEXT的日子里,如果您想继续获取最新产品信息,也可以继续关注36氪。
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance丨China introduced new fiscal policy measures, how will A-share market react?) China's Finance Minister, Lan Fu'an, stated at the press conference on October 12th, that the ...
China will expand the catalogue of industries that encourage foreign investment, unveil a new group of major foreign-invested projects and make its visa-free transit policies more open, according to ...
对于中国权益资产的未来表现,高盛持看多观点,而摩根士丹利、美银和野村等机构则较为中性。 高盛在10月7日的研报中发布了“买入中国权益资产的10个理由”,预测未来仍有15-18% 的上升空间。结构上最敏感行业是汽车、金属、矿业、保险和互联网/传媒。
O governo brasileiro, pressionado pelo capital financeiro internacional, decidiu seguir o caminho do equilíbrio fiscal. Essa ...
对更多交易台内容感兴趣的朋友可以滑到文末获取。最近的美债抛售引起了更多关注,原因被归结为特朗普当选/共和党大获全胜的可能性增加、近期美国经济数据改善、过去几周中国的刺激措施,以及美联储近期的评论表明利率应采取逐步下调的方式。The recent ...
A transparência fiscal é um regime de enquadramento obrigatório para sociedades de profissionais e sociedades de simples administração de bens (além de sociedades civis não constituídas ...
至少在短期内,博通并不能保证对特斯拉的领先优势。众所周知,特斯拉的股价波动性高,而且其市值可能会在某个时间段内超过博通。但迄今为止,博通的长期前景比特斯拉更加光明。华尔街分析师普遍预测博通的股价将持续上涨,但他们预测特斯拉的股价将持续下跌。特斯拉股价 ...
蓝威斯顿(Lamb Weston)仅一家工厂每年生产的冷冻土豆制品就高达2.5亿磅。本月早些时候,该公司宣布将裁员4%(约428名工人),并关闭位于华盛顿州康奈尔的工厂。自今年年初以来,该公司的股价已暴跌约33%。
Fonte da FPF revela que Conselho de Disciplina rejeitou o arquivamento e determinou diligências adicionais, pelo que o ...
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Richard Yetsenga: China can sustain strong growth into 2025) ...