It is the policy of the World Jewish Congress (American Section) Inc. (“WJC American Section”) to conduct our operations according to the highest ethical standards and to maintain the complete ...
Zionism, the belief the Jewish people maintain a right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, has been a central tenet of Judaism for thousands of years. The roots of Zionism stem from the ...
"Все евреи ответственны друг за друга" Всемирный еврейский конгресс — международное объединение, представляющее еврейские общины и организации 115 стран. Организация отстаивает права и ...
Yiddish language and culture are an integral part of the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people. For about 800 years, Yiddish was the spoken language of the majority of European Jews and Jewish ...
"Alle Juden sind füreinander verantwortlich" Der Jüdische Weltkongress (WJC) ist eine internationale Vereinigung, die jüdische Gemeinden und Organisationen in 100 Ländern weltweit vertritt. Der WJC ...