Dr Georgina Woolveridge is a medical doctor from Hobart. Read her articles below from her Médecins Sans Frontières assignments in Bangladesh, Iraq, and Yemen.
Our funding largely relies on individual donations. This helps to ensure our operational independence and flexibility to respond at a moment’s notice to the most urgent crises, including those which ...
In some cases, a psychiatrist and a psychologist work together, while in other cases the psychiatrist takes the lead. Psychologists handle counseling training for local psychologists and psychological ...
As the war in Ukraine continues, our teams are responding to a humanitarian crisis. More than 14.6 million people are in need of assistance. We are providing medical care to people who have been ...
Non-medical roles are essential for the efficient and effective running of all projects. We have specialists in Finance and Human Resources, and numerous Specialist Logistician roles. These Specialist ...
The temporary ceasefire agreement in Gaza is a relief, but it arrives more than 465 days and 46,000 lives too late. Humanitarian needs have mounted to catastrophic levels.