"Все евреи ответственны друг за друга" Всемирный еврейский конгресс — международное объединение, представляющее еврейские общины и организации 115 стран. Организация отстаивает права и ...
The Arab world is known for its musical divas: Egypt’s Umm Kulthūm, Syria’s Asmahan and Lebanon’s Fairouz, to name but a few. However, the original Arab diva was Layla Murad (1918–1995). Once the ...
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Zionism, the belief the Jewish people maintain a right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, has been a central tenet of Judaism for thousands of years. The roots of Zionism stem from the ...
"Cada judío es responsable el uno por el otro" El Congreso Judío Mundial (CJM) es la organización internacional que representa a comunidades y organizaciones judías en 100 países del mundo. Aboga en ...