Your body clock is what tells your body when to go to sleep and when to wake up, so if you stay up late, it will be off and you'll want to sleep during class tomorrow. 你的生物钟会告诉你的身体何时睡觉合适起床,如果你老熬夜,它就停了 ...
从而调控生物钟。进一步,该研究利用核磁共振技术发现,脯氨酸的顺反异构化是KaiB构象转换的限速步骤。研究通过理论计算模拟解析了KaiB构象转换的分子机制。 相关研究成果以Temperature-Dependent Fold-Switching Mechanism of the Circadian Clock Protein KaiB为题,发表在《美国 ...
预示核光钟时代的到来,将对基本物理、量子物理和精密测量技术带等领域产生重大影响。 参考文献:[1]Zhang, C., Ooi, T., Higgins, J.S. et al. Frequency ratio of the 229mTh nuclear isomeric transition and the 87Sr atomic clock. Nature 633, 63–70 ...