DCM Shriram added 1.26% to Rs 1,120.45 after the company's consolidated net profit rallied 9% to Rs 262.14 crore on 12.15% rise in total revenue from operations to Rs 3,518.89 crore in Q3 FY25 over Q3 ...
Explain with an example. 5. Predict all the alkenes that would be formed by dehydrohalogenation of the following halides with sodium ethoxide in ethanol and identify the major alkene: (iii ...
The government has reduced the reserve price of rice stored with the Food Corporation of India by Rs 550 per quintal to Rs 2,250 per quintal for ethanol producers and states. This move aims to ...
The bacterial cell wall is crucial to maintain viability. It has previously been suggested that Gram-positive bacteria have a periplasmic region between the cell membrane and peptidoglycan cell wall ...
and one wash with chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1), precipitation with isopropanol 100% and ethanol 70%. The DNA concentration of all samples was quantified spectophotometrically using NanoDrop ...