Code repo for winning 2016 MSCOCO Keypoints Challenge, 2016 ECCV Best Demo Award, and 2017 CVPR Oral paper. Watch our video result in YouTube or our website.
Social media celebrated 5-foot-8 fellas on 5/8, but every December 22nd is National Short Person Day, and we’re marking the occasion by sharing gay guys’ #shortking pics. And while we’re ...
From being the founding director of the New York University Center for Data Science in 2012, and co-founding Meta AI in 2013, to shaping the future of open-source artificial intelligence, LeCun’s ...
For these reasons, and as one of crypto’s most visible cultural icons during the past year, Azalea is SCENE’s 2024 Person of the Year. Azalea’s venture into crypto started while smoking weed on the ...
Join us for in-person and virtual events, browse past events ... What we do know is that even as John Quincy Adams claimed to abhor slavery and forbid it in his family, enslaved people lived at the ...