The BJP accused Kerala Chief Minister Vijayan of disrespecting Sanatana Dharma and its followers during his speech at the pilgrimage held in Varkala, Thiruvananthapuram district.
The publication of the journal 'Prabuddha Bharata' was started from Chennai (erstwhile Madras) in the year 1896 where it continued to be published for two years, after which it was published from ...
Adi Shankaracharya, an 8th-century philosopher, profoundly shaped Hinduism with his Advaita Vedanta philosophy. He emphasized the non-dual nature of reality, stating Brahman and Atman are one ...
Mr. Krishna’s personality had an influence of Ramakrishna Ashrama particularly the discipline for which he was known for as he came in contact with the Ashrama at an young age. He was a student ...
Krishna’s personality was shaped by the discipline that was put in place at the Ramakrishna Ashrama, which he was acquainted with at a young age. He was a student at the Ashrama’s Students Home in ...