They grow no food, raise no livestock, and live without rules or calendars. They are living a hunter-gatherer existence that ...
Supporters of African trophy hunting, including some in very high ... The walking guides who take tourists into the bush there aren't allowed to operate until they have passed a state exam that ...
This is the adorable moment a nest of lesser bushbabies, also known as lesser galagos, emerge from their nest inside a fence pole as the sun sets in Komatipoort, South Africa in June 2024. The ...
Hunting by night, a house-cat-size linsang ... Around the same time, bush-meat sales increased in Malabo. As in much of West Africa, bush meat, from wild animals in the forest, particularly ...
Images painted with vegetable dye adorn caves in the Sahara, Tanzania and South Africa. Such art gives us a unique glimpse into the life of these people, showing them not only at work - hunting ...
The team used data from more than 100 bush markets and hunting sites in 14 African countries to estimate how many pangolins are being killed. They estimate that 0.4 to 2.7 million pangolins are ...
African bush elephants are the largest species and ... years due to the number of serious threats that they face. Ivory hunting is the most well-known issue that elephants face, but other threats ...
Key question for the Bush team: how to bolster Mbeki's regional leadership while encouraging his engagement on human rights issues that the U.S. considers important. South Africa is emerging as a ...
The best thing that President Bush could do for African countries affected by HIV/AIDS would be to ensure that the U.S. Trade Representative stop representing the interests of pharmaceutical ...