Neural ageing is the process by which neural cells in the brain and peripheral nervous system deteriorate structurally and functionally over time. It is associated with a decline in sensory ...
As Australia’s population continues to age, the federal government is encouraging more innovative forms of care. Some providers have answered that call by looking towards the Netherlands and a model ...
This trend intensifies the need to understand and address the causes and consequences of female reproductive ageing, both for women who become pregnant relatively later in life and for post ...
It is the most complete skeleton of an Ice Age mammal found in the region. The team of scientists ... more than 10,000 years when humans first started farming founder crops and for more than 20,000 ...
TAN YINGZI/CHINA DAILY BEIJING -- China is stepping up elderly care initiatives as the country grapples with the challenges of an aging population, which now accounts for more than one-fifth of ...
Another challenge facing the country is its ageing population caused by chronically low birth rates and a cautious approach to immigration. Japan is one of the world's oldest societies, and this year ...
Another challenge facing the country is its ageing population caused by chronically low birth rates and a cautious approach to immigration. Japan is one of the world's oldest societies ...
The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ...