Multiple trains pass through the Agra Cantt train station from the New Delhi train station daily. It's best to inquire about tickets from your hotel before your trip or to book online in advance.
The train, running three days a week between Udaipur and Agra Cantt (Train #20981) leaves Udaipur City every Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 5:45 am and reaches Chanderia at 7:41 am, Bundi at 9: ...
Porters may charge only a nominal fee for their labour. Disturbed by the overcharging, Payal and her husband approached the Government Railway Police (GRP) at Agra Cantt station. The Agra GRP ...
NRI family reports overcharging of wheelchair assistance to GRP As soon as Payel found out, she informed her husband to reach the GRP of Agra Cantt station and submit a complaint about the case.
He also told her that porters can only charge a small fee for their services. Payel then lodged a complaint with the Government Railway Police (GRP) at Agra Cantt station. The authorities then ...
She then reported the matter to the Government Railway Police (GRP) at Agra Cantt station, which coordinated with the Nizamuddin GRP to investigate, the TOI report said. Following the probe ...
For this constituency, the election was successfully held on May 7th. The voter turnout was 54.08 percent.Agra Lok Sabha Constituency in Uttar Pradesh is a political powerhouse renowned for its ...