Jamini Roy was an Indian painter best known for combining traditional Indian and Western art styles to create unique and complex works. Born on April 11, 1887 in Beliatore, India, he went on to study ...
Crypto AI:CON is back in full gear, not just with another conference, but with a lineup of its latest initiative: the AI Agent Hackathon Series. This series aims to bridge the physical and virtual ...
36氪获悉,12月13日,在AICon全球人工智能开发与应用大会(AICon 北京 2024)上,英博数科CTO李少鹏正式对外发布了多款“英博云”智算产品与服务。
在快速变化的数字时代,生成式人工智能(Generative AI)已成为推动商业革新的关键力量。近日,钛动科技在2024中国生成式AI大会与AICon全球人工智能 ...