The latest reports suggest that Varun Dhawan and his wife, Natasha Dalal, purchased an apartment in Juhu for Rs 44.53 crore. Read to know the full story here!
External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar on January 07 visited Konark Sun Temple in Odisha’s Puri. On this occasion, S Jaishankar was accompanied by his wife, Kyoko Jaishankar.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Sharvari shared an image of her ticket for Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani's show after its re-release, expressing her excitement for it.
A representative of fast fashion clothing brand Shein repeatedly refuses to deny that the company uses cotton sourced from China, where practices are widely speculated to use modern slavery.
Rumours about cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal's divorce from Dhanashree Verma have surfaced after he removed their photos from his social media and they un ...