A 2018 satellite photo shows the aptly named Deception Island, which was formed by a massive eruption 4,000 years ago and remains volcanically active today.
This striking satellite photo shows off the unique shape of Antarctica's "Deception Island" — a semi-submerged, active volcanic caldera created by one of the region's largest known eruptions ...
Antarctica, the coldest and least populated continent, is among the nations leading the world’s change. This frozen continent occupies one-tenth of the Earth’s surface and is very important regarding ...
Antarctica’s relationship with ice is changing, and not for the better. While the world is captivated by massive chunks of ice splitting away, creating almost Delaware-sized icebergs, this tells only ...
Reports state that the caldera was formed during one of Antarctica's largest eruptions, estimated to have ejected 30 to 60 cubic kilometres of magma and ash. This event has been classified as the most ...