Three additional factors were consistently associated with risk for major PPH regardless of mode of delivery: increasing infant birthweight, antepartum haemorrhage and Asian ethnicity. Conclusion ...
Exclusion criteria included known allergy to either of the drugs, operative delivery, history of co-morbid conditions like diabetes, mal-presentation, anaemia, antepartum haemorrhage, multiple ...
A blood spot in the white of your eye, known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, is caused by the bursting of tiny blood vessels beneath the clear surface of the eye. It is typically a harmless condition ...
Adolescent deaths (n=37) accounted for around 8% of total maternal deaths, with the main causes being hypertension (35%), hemorrhage (24%), and suicide (14%). Postpartum deaths were significantly ...
Data on the indication for CS (non-reassuring fetal status, failure to progress in labour, malpresentation, failed instrumental delivery, antepartum haemorrhage (APH)/placenta praevia, maternal ...
"You're going to make it,” a tearful Stone said as she detailed a brain hemorrhage she suffered 23 years ago. "You don't know it, but you're going to make it. I would have it tattooed on the ...
Implantation bleeding usually refers to light vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy when the fertilized egg burrows into the uterine lining. While most people only experience spotting, you could also ...
The effect of a liberal red-cell transfusion strategy as compared with a restrictive strategy in patients during the critical care period after an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is unclear.
Why Baby's Weight is Important? Weight is an important health indicator of a baby and shapes the well-being over their life cycle(1 ). This calculator calculates the weight of babies from their ...
Percentile is a number used to assess an attribute in comparison to the rest of the reference population. In the case of height (or weight), it is the percentage of the population of the same age ...
8 Unknown, unexplained and unclassifiable causes of death (abbrev: Unknown) Neonatal, antepartum, and deaths with unknown timing, in which no definite or probable COD has been found are coded in ...