Ann Turner is a writer, director, and producer who is known for writing "Reading Rainbow," "Irresistible," and "Turtle Beach.
In 1971, Jin was born in the small town of Andong, of a family whose local farming ancestry went back generations. After middle school, Jin first became a seafood fisherman, gathering cockles in ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
根据贝哲斯咨询调研数据,2023年,全球土壤测试,检验和认证市场容量达 亿元(人民币),同年中国土壤测试,检验和认证市场容量达 亿元。报告预测至2029年,全球土壤测试,检验和认证市场规模将会达到 亿元,预测期间内将以 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
预计2024/25年度印度尼西亚棕榈油产量将创历史新高,主要得益于收获面积的扩大。尽管产量创历史新高,但出口量预计将达到近10年来的最低水平。由于B40计划导致国内消费增加,预计棕榈油出口比例将降至52%,为25年来的第二低水平。出口可用供应减少推高 ...
堪培拉居民可以在伯利·格里芬湖(Lake Burley Griffin)的湖岸迎接新年,今年将举行两场烟花表演——一场在晚上9点,另一场在午夜。