Aardman Animation’s iconic duo Wallace and Gromit returned to the world of movies for the first time since 2005’s The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. BBC and Netflix’s joint production premiered on UK TV on ...
In the keen evening light, a Bald Eagle skirted the rushing current, dropped down within inches, and reached in for a fish. “It’s dinnertime,” said Preston Cook, watching from the patio of his ...
It has been one of the worst-kept secrets in showbusiness. Now, after years of wearing a toupee, Robin Gibb has decided to bare his baldness to the world. The 53-year-old Bee Gee, whose late twin ...
The highly-anticipated feature-length film saw Gromit’s growing concern as Wallace becomes over-dependent on his inventions - which proves justified when Wallace creates a ‘smart gnome’ that ...
A replica, handmade wooden boat that pays homage to the early 19th century fishery on Martha’s Vineyard is headed to Mystic Seaport as part of the Connecticut museum’s permanent collection.