A new sequel series, Batman: The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween, builds upon the world of the original miniseries. Written by Jeph Loeb, with art by Eduardo Risso and Dave Stewart, The Last ...
Today, LOLtron presents Batman ... Long Halloween Special. In each issue, Loeb will be joined by one of the top artists in comics, in a beautiful and lovingly crafted tribute to Sale's art ...
The art of Eduardo Risso is similar enough to be worthy of both Sale and the original series’ aesthetic. Batman: The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on ...
Jeph Loeb returns to the world that he and the legendary Tim Sale (R.I.P.) created in the mid-90s with Batman: The Long Halloween in this new sequel. When The Last Halloween was announced ...
The story behind the creation of Batman ... of The Long Halloween saga. To that end, every issue of the series would have a different artist. They would not copy Sale’s style, but use his ...
Back in May, DC shook up the comics world when it was announced that Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Batman: The Long Halloween was getting ... nor does it take from the art. It’s just the right ...
DC Comics launches its new ten-part series Batman: The Long Halloween ... crafted tribute to Sale’s art and legacy. In issue one, Gotham City learns to fear Halloween once more as a terrible ...
Subscription Price: £3.10 A saving of 6.1% In 1996, writer Jeph Loeb and artist Tim Sale teamed up for Batman: The Long Halloween, an award-winning 13-chapter saga that spawned multiple sequels and ...